Take a deep breath or a number of deep breaths. This will help calm you down and think about the situation before you react so you won't react in a way that you will regret later. It also gives you a moment to think about how you would like to proceed next when you are in a stressful situation. It will also help your heart and blood pressure slow down. I then feel more confident, happier, relaxed and better able to cope with the situation at hand.
Bring companions when you have to meet new people. You will probably feel much better about meeting them if you have a friendly face beside you, because you already know that your friend knows and likes you for who you are, so it softens the potential blow of being rejected by these new people. With a friend by your side, it doesn't matter what these new people are like; you will still have at least some support.
Be with people who make you feel good and appreciate you - minimize the time you spend with those

Tackle small risks each day - do something which you wouldn't normally do. Visit a cybercafe shop or go to see a film on your own, try out a new recipe or speak to someone in a supermarket queue. These small, positive actions will build your confidence
Write a personal journal or weblog. You can write anything you want in them. You can write down the different things that happen to you throughout the day. You can write about the things that you are grateful for and that you accomplished. You can write down inspirationally quotes or favorite sayings. You can write whatever you want. I personally like to write down things that I accomplished like a success journal. I also like to write down inspirational quotes that will make my life better, motivate me when I am in a rut, or things that make me feel happier and more self confident. Lastly, I like to write down the things that I am grateful for.
1 comment:
I think the idea of taking a small risk is wonderful. If you can manage those successfully, then it builds your confidence and you branch out, and take a slightly bigger gamble, then another risk, etc. It's a wonderful way of moving forward. The book YOU UNSTUCK advocates just that kind of plan to get past whatever sticking point is holding you back. The author calls it an "escalating risk hierarchy" -- you take the small risks, and then success there leads to bolder risks. You take your vision -- more social activity, say -- and turn it into small actionable steps, with the least anxiety-induscing item first --then work your way up the risk ladder. (You combine this with stress-busing relaxation techniques -- for increasing the odds to realize that their vision is achieved. Great stuff.
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