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Monday, December 1, 2008



In the last twenty years, the Philippines has gained some good progress in poverty alleviation. However, compared to other countries in the region, the Philippines somehow lags behind. The Filipino vision remains uncertain as many aspects of economic and social life are severely affected by political bickering, fiscal crisis, crime and corruption, ineffective educational system, human resource exploitation/exportation, moral and cultural degradation, health and environmental callousness, globalization and liberalization issues, as well as the lack of common awareness of and grassroots involvement on the national goal.

Despite our achievements in terms of our highly educated and skilled workforce, the Philippines has been continually failing to capture the national benefits of education—productivity growth and social development—an outcome with significant implications for the development of our human resources. This plan of action delves into national human resource development in the Philippines. It considers how this specific context and concomitant challenges can be used to direct national human resource development to improve the country’s competitiveness in the global market and eventually set our significant contribution in the realization of an Ubiquitous-World. The very high potential of our human resources calls for an institutionalized awakening of the Filipino spirit and resolve to carve a good image globally within the framework U-Living.


The system of human resource development (HRD) in the Philippines has been independently embedded in each organizational units. Many institutions in government, business, and civil society have an inkling of human resource development. They have set up HRD units or departments. But the very use of the term, HRD, belies the lack of understanding of what it will really take to help draw out the tremendous potential of Ubiquitous Technology that lies in each and every one of us. Unlike in other countries where a unified national framework oversees the direction of HRD, human resource development in the Philippines seem to lack the cohesive strength of a national structure and environment to design and implement viable programs and reforms. The table below presents in tabular form a simple analysis of the essential circumstances that set the profile of the current Philippine HRD.


  • The presence of world-class training institutions in the country such as IRRI, CLSU, UP, Ateneo, La Salle, etc... which could provide training excellence to Filipinos.

  • The recognized expertise of Filipino programmers and It professionals who rank among the best in the world...

  • The growing awareness and attachment of Filipinos, especially the young generation, to internet-based or computer-based operations in education, business, communication, industry, etc.

  • The existence of several key government organizations or sectors involved in the e-communication development in the country, namely<>

  • The continuous effort of government agencies such as DOLE, TESDA, CHED and DepEd to upgrade the quality and make relevant/competitive basic education, vocational training, professional education as well as lifelong learning for Filipinos including those from the rural areas.

  • The openness and adaptability of Filipinos and our educational system to modern challenges and new requirements of businesses, industries and services both locally and globally.

  • Recent growth in the Philippines has been impressive. It has been the highest in three decades and has gained momentum over the last three years. This trend promises greater ….


  • Financial resources from the national and local government as well as from donors are limited. ICT related expenditures comprise a very minimal percentage of the key government agencies involved in ICT development. The limited funding restricts the development of necessary infrastructure facilities and efforts to promote ICT in the local levels.

  • The several organizations involved in the development of ICT, e.g., DOTC, TESDA and DOST (NCC, PCHRD), do not have well-defined area of responsibilities. which results in fragmented and selective development of ICTs in areas outside Metro Manila. This also slows down the appetite of the private sector and NGOs in pursuing active participation in ICT development in the country and in the overlapping of benefits.

  • The digital infrastructure is present but the country, being an archipelago, makes the provision of digital access in rural, remote and un-served areas, complex. In addition, telephone and Internet services are concentrated in urban areas because of affordability problems of those in the rural areas. In general, IT facilities are still inaccessible to people living in rural areas since they still have to travel long distance to avail of long distance telephone service, Internet access and e-learning among others.

  • The necessary information may not be available. For instance, necessary agriculture or trade data must be put in place to make the ICT useful in spurring developments at the local level. There is more room for improvement for the Price-Watch web site from the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and the Bantay Presyo (Price-Watch) of the Department of Agriculture (DA) to commensurate with the needs of farmers and fishermen.

  • Philippines’ growth trend has improved but has been led largely by private consumption spending which in turn is heavily dependent on remittances of overseas workers. Despite strong GDP growth, there has been continued sluggishness in investments and manufacturing. The Philippines has not attracted its potential share of foreign investments, notwithstanding overall positive macroeconomic performance. The key constraints to the country’s competitiveness include: (i) inadequate infrastructure; (ii) weak human resource base due to inadequate investment in health and education; (iii) urban-based policies and public investments resulting in the narrow-based growth; and (iv) lack of competition in some sectors(from oligarchic power structures, regulatory capture, and restrictions on foreign participation).

  • The Philippines’ allocation for ICT and social services is low in comparison with international benchmarks


  • The growing demand for Filipino workers abroad due to their work commitment and language advantage.

  • The expansive strategies of industrialized economies to reach out and help in the development of emerging economies like the Philippines as a way of opening new markets for their technologies, products and ideas as and ensuring future arrangements for mutual coexistence in a world where barriers are gone with U-technologies.


  • Corruption in the government and its implementing agencies... Individual integrity, commitment and leadership come out, again and again, in all the issues regarding our nation’s development.

  • The declining quality of teachers, experts, professional, government officials, and so on who should be at the forefront of ICT promotion and e-learning establishment
    Due to the limited educational level of the potential users at the local communities they are resistant to learn new technologies. This is particularly true to those living in the truly remote areas or lower class municipalities.

  • Worsening peace and order situation in Mindanao and in other areas as well as the unchecked crime rate in the urban areas and in other potential areas of development.


A. Goals and Objectives:

This action plan draws the necessary framework and series of activities that are expected to revitalize the nation’s goal of modernizing the development of human resources within the context of new technologies. The proposed project strongly recognizes and recommends the effective deployment of e-learning infrastructure as a requirement for the consequent dissemination of relevant information, effectual exposure and quality training/learning of people in almost all levels towards the attainment of an ubiquitous world. The main goal is the strengthening of the Filipino society through proper quality education, socio-technological infrastructure provision, and effective reach-out programs to rural communities and even remote potential areas.

From the main goal and fostering on the present Philippine HRD strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, stems the following specific objectives for this project, namely:

  • delineate and reinforce the roles of different government agencies and NGOs involved in developing e-learning programs, e-communication infrastructure, and ICT education and skills training;

  • fast track the deployment and expansion of ICT or e-communication/learning infrastructures within international standards across the archipelago spanning the unserved /undeserved areas as a way of realizing universal access at very affordable cost;
    strengthen the culture of excellence in significant areas of Philippine society such as governance, education and training, social services, and local employment;

  • redirect social awareness, appreciation and partaking in e-learning technologies down to local communities and grassroots level;

  • harmonize the roles and participation of public and private sectors in ICT development vis-เ-vis the growing concerns for overseas communication, mobile communication, service automation, and access to relevant information and research data.


To achieve the above-mentioned goals and objectives, the following activities should be implemented, as follows:

  • Conduct of survey or research on the actual status and requirements for human resource development of the country towards the realization of a U-World and present accurate information and appropriate recommendation to concerned agency (or agencies). This includes identification of municipalities still wanting the necessary ICT infrastructure facilities, including the appropriate infrastructure facilities/technology necessary or applicable;

  • Harmonization of the roles and responsibilities of the various national government agencies and non-governmental organizations involved in e-learning programs, e-communication infrastructure, and ICT education and skills training without the need for legislation; Identification of interim actions on issues whose final solutions would necessitate legislation;

  • Identification of strategically located pilot sites of U-Community Centres (UCCs) for every province as well as the hardware, software, peopleware and organizational requirements of these pilot sites;

  • Deployment of necessary ICT infrastructure and tapping of highly qualified professionals and managers (locally and internationally) for the proposed project;

  • Provision for effective extensive information dissemination/appreciation, skills training/upgrading and lifelong u-learning;

  • Monitoring and upholding of all the proposed HRD tasks against the drawback of corruption, lack of funds, crime and violence, and natural calamities.


Considering the current Philippine HRD status which features the shortage of ICT infrastructure, socio-economic slump, generally poor quality education and skills training, lack of priority funding for e-communication/e-learning, and the absence of a unified national framework to harmonize NGA and NGO roles and responsibilities, a five-year development plan is the initial span to cover the attainment of this project. However, the enhancement recommendation based on the survey or research to be conducted prior to the other tasks shall be considered with the particular schedule details eventually laid down.


Item Gov’t Donors Total Cost
1. Consultants
a. International Consultants 0.50 1.25 1.75
b. Local Consultants 0.75 0.25 1.00
2. Equipment and Software
a. Equipment/hardware 3. 50 5.00 8.50
b. Software 0.75 1.25 2.00
3. Facilities
a. Buildings/Roads 4.00 3.00 7.00
b. Furniture/Fixtures 0.75 0.00 0.75
4. Training, Seminars, and Conferences 0.75 0.50 1.25
5. Research, Development, and Surveys 0.25 0.25 0.50
6. Miscellaneous Admini &Support Costs 0.20 0.00 0.20
7. Contingencies 0.00 0.30 0.30

E. Viability and Expected Impact

The success of this project shall have a high impact on the socio-economic conditions in local Filipino communities. The offshoot will be better educated human resources, new and higher-level jobs, faster and wide access to information and communications, improvement on the quality of education and training, greater social collaboration, and greater potential for our human resources. Beyond local impact would be the Filipino society’s significant contribution and participation in the realization of U-World.


Human Resource Development is an intertwined effort of society, its organizations, resources and people, and the international community. One country cannot succeed without the assistance and model of progressive nations. Our target to achieve a more efficient and effective society calls for social collaboration and mutual cooperation. These are the ideals for an ubiquitous world…

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Befriend Yourself - The Centering Meditation

Centering is active meditation. Within you is a space that is always calm and at peace and is referred to as your "calm center". Being centered means staying peacefully calm amidst the frenzy of daily life. Centering is not allowing your inner glow to be eclipsed by stressful circumstances or negative thoughts, emotions and events.

A centered individual is in a state of clarity, focus, peace, and balance. When you are not centered, you are uncertain, unfocussed, stressed, and off balance.

A good centering method will necessitate merely nominal attention, allowing you to direct some of your attention on the activity at hand. Here are some very easy, effective centering techniques.

1. Simple Breath Responsiveness
While involved in whatever you are doing, bring some attention to your breathing for just a few moments... it needn't be your full attention... just enough to bring you back to your calm center. Breathe naturally, or perhaps just a little more slowly and deeply.
2. Regain Your Energy
When you are feeling stressed and scattered, take several slow, deep breaths. With each in-breath, imagine you are pulling all of your scattered energy and attention back to your inner self... your calm center.
3. Letting Go
This centering technique combines breath awareness with the phrase or mantra, "Let go." It is especially helpful when you are tense and/or fixating on a stressful situation or a negative thought or emotion.
As you inhale, (silently or aloud) say, "Let"
As you exhale, say "go"... while letting go of all that is stressing you.
4. Central Energy
Imagine a bright sun filling your heart chakra... the calm, subtle energy field that permeates your chest area. Imagine that sun gently emanating peace and joy throughout your entire being.

Now, try it with the meditative statements below:

Breathe in deeply all the possibilities that lie before you, and breathe out softly, any perceived encumbrances, trials or tribulations.

Breathe in completely all the guidance and support that awaits you, and breathe out gently all that no longer serves you in any way.

Breathe in fully all the freshness that sustains and nourishes you, and breathe out calmly all that has become weary and too difficult to hold.

Just let it all go, let it melt away, dissolve, disappear.

You are here now, in this moment, which unfolds before you like a flower.

And like a flower, nothing is asked of you, but that you be real, authentic, true.

And like a flower, nothing is required of you, but that you be fully present, deeply alive and profoundly aware of life all around you.

And like a flower, nothing is demanded of you, but that you be open, willing, daring, conscious.

May your day be blessed with the gifts of insight, understanding, compassion and a deep inner knowing.

May the light shine for you on those places you have hidden from view, your own or others, so that you may see, feel and know, perhaps for the very first time, the deepest truth of who you really are and why you came here.

May the grandest mysteries of life beckon to you, and may you yield to their advances and surrender to their affections.

May you ask of life that it take from you whatever it may, so that your place here has purpose and your journey be not in vain.

May you take the time to cease the inner chatter and feel the stillness in your own soul, and in that stillness may you see with new eyes, the perfection in each person and the gifts they lay before you at your feet. And may you gladly embrace those gifts and take them into your gentle and opening heart.

Your time alone is sacred, as is every moment lived from a conscious place.

May you be accompanied by Angels, precious beings from all places and times holy, and seen and unseen friends, who quietly rejoice along side of you in your awakening, those beings who want only the best for you and see you in your splendor, even when you do not.

And when you are done with this moment, may you enfold it in love and send it out into the world where it will uplift the planet, touching each person in a profound yet almost imperceptible way, like a butterfly alights upon a flower, aware of something forever changed.

For every time you breathe a little lighter, the world is lighter and the healing begins for all of us, not just for one of us, but for all of us.

When you have the courage to awaken, you do it for everyone, because you are everyone.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Fighting Right at Every Stage of Love Quarrel

Such unavoidable scuffles you have with your man don’t have to set off turmoil in the relationship. In effect, when dealt with appropriately, quarrels can help you better understand and value each other. Yap, I’m serious!

Clashes with your man are not amusing, but they’re inevitable. And when they come, you may be bothered that the loving bond you’ve established in your relationship will somehow begin to grind down. I don’t think so, fighting is a necessary ingredient for intimacy. It proves that you have invested that much to want to hash something out instead of just writing each other off.

Twisted as it looks, disagreements can in fact deliver an opportunity for you and your guy to grow closer — if you handle them constructively instead of allowing them devolve into huge, repulsive nosh-ups. It takes emotional intelligence to take the anger out of an issue and talk about it productively, and many people don’t learn those skills growing up. . On the following pages, top communication, relationship, and conflict-resolution experts provide their best pieces of advice on how to avoid common quarreling pitfalls, plus crucial strategies for fighting right at every stage of a love quarrel.


E-mailing your grievances. If you’ve been stewing over something your guy said or did, it’s tempting to fire off a bitchy e-mail or IM detailing your issues. But by doing that, you run the risk of blindsiding your guy — remember, he may be clueless to the fact that you’re upset.

Trapping him. It’s important to pick a good time to air your gripe. So if your boyfriend thinks he’s coming home to spend the night vegging on the couch and instead you rip into him the second he walks in the door about how badly he behaved in front of your friends last Friday, you’re setting him — and yourself — up. At best, he’ll offer a stunned, knee-jerk response that will likely upset you more. If you’re not both in a frame of mind to discuss the issue, nothing will get solved.


Identify the real problem. Say you’re seething because he didn’t RSVP to his friend’s party on your behalf. Before you read him the riot act, spend time reflecting — maybe you feel left out of his social circle or you have concerns about his lack of responsibility or etiquette. Fighting is often about something much deeper than the surface issue. Freaking out about a specific instance (the RSVP debacle) won’t improve communication. But if you can identify what’s really bothering you, he can work on that bigger issue.

Settle evenly. Guys are biologically engineered to avoid screechy female tones...or so you’d think. Meaning, if you want him to stay in the room long enough to hear you out, you have to calm your butt down. What I suggest is taking two breaths into your belly and thinking of something good in your life so your nervous system relaxes. Taking that moment will help you remain kind, which in turn will get him to see how committed you are to finding a sane solution.


Confining your comments. The tiff started when he came home late, but since you’re riled up, you also bring up how sexist his friends are and how selfish he is to watch TV when you’re having a bad day. Confine your discussion to one incident. Snowballing your complaints confuses both of you about what the real issue is. Keeping focused lets you resolve the argument at hand instead of creating new ones.

Avoiding repetitions. If he doesn’t seem to get why you’re so peeved through his thick skull, keep hammering it home, right? Wrong. Anytime one of you repeats yourself, it means the other person has stopped listening and put on their mental mute button. At this point, productivity is at a standstill.

Filthy shots. Sarcasm and name-calling are cheap shots. It takes maturity to stay even-keeled.


Saying instead of blaming. It sounds psychobabbly, but it really works and makes people less defensive. Try it: “You don’t do any chores, so I did the dishes again!” sounds blamey, while “I feel like I’m left with an unfair share of housework, such as the dishes. What do you think about that?” suddenly opens things up for a legit discussion.

Inquiring. As your guy spells out his side, get details: “When did you first notice this?” or “What would you like me to do next time?” This shows him that you’re listening, and guys respond well when they feel respected.

Taking time-off. If things get ugly, say “I’m too upset to talk rationally. Can we revisit this tomorrow/after I work out/in an hour or so?” When you think of a fight as a talk, not a blowout, it takes the fear out of it. You both become more optimistic about handling it.


Obliging. Not all arguments can be resolved in one sitting. So while you might want to slog out the details right away, your guy may be over it — at least for the night. People in conflict have different styles of settling things and need different amounts of time to process what’s been said, and all of them are valid. As long as you’ve said your piece and feel heard, be willing to compromise with how your partner wants to handle the situation.

Requiring a perfect act of contrition. When we’re mad, our reptilian brain kicks in and wants our opponent to grovel and apologize. It’s crucial to let your frontal lobe take control and remind you that it’s the big picture — harmony — that’s important. So if he said he was sorry, take it at face value instead of holding out for him to say it the “right” way.


Get going. Once you’ve heard the outcome you were after (an apology, a promise to try harder, an explanation of why he feels that way, etc.), any further fighting is self-indulgent. Be willing to stop when you reach your goal. Move on

Clearing it out verbally. When you come to an agreement on something that needs to change, verbalize the specifics so you both know what to expect. For example, “In the future, if I’m going to be working past 8, I’ll call you. That way, you don’t misunderstand and wind up bickering again about the same thing.

Signing in prior to sign out. Before you walk away, say that as far as you’re concerned, the issue is resolved, then ask him if he feels the same. It conveys concern for your mate’s point of view.


Keeping a chip on your shoulder. Some people blow the memory of a dispute way out of proportion. But by nurturing a grudge and holding on to your anger, you hurt for far longer than you need to.

Referencing the brawl. Making cracks about your fight-night drama in front of other people — even as a joke — erodes trust. It escalates his defensiveness, both on that topic and the next one you have an argument about. Just the mention of a sore subject in front of a third party can make him feel like he’s being attacked or belittled.

Clamoring for the final word. Say you let things go at the time, but you just thought of a great point to make or something clever you should’ve said. So you toss a pointed comment over dinner or send an e-mail “clarifying” your point of view. These actions only re-engage the entire tussle and leave him wondering if he can trust that you’re telling the truth the next time you say you’ve made peace with the matter.


Spotlighting his finest traits. After a draining debate, spend some time dwelling on what you love about your guy — even the smallest, stupidest things, like how he always restocks the cookies when they’re running low. Contemplating your partner’s good points puts him in a more positive light in your mind, and it helps balance the stuff that’s irritating about him.

Sending a nice note/e-mail. No need to rehash the events, but bouncing him a “Thanks for talking that over” or “Again, I’m sorry, and I love you” can go a long way toward rebuilding goodwill. When you give these interpersonal gifts, the natural instinct on his part is to give you one in return at some point. It’s a gesture that only benefits the relationship.

Caressing him. A reassuring hug or back scratch can be all it takes to transmit to your guy (who’s naturally less verbal) that you’re still a tight couple. These touches are all about reassuring him and expressing your love — directly and indirectly. They say, ‘Yes, I can be angry and still love you.’” And, hey, if it leads to make-up sex, so be it. There’s a reason that variety of nooky has such a hot reputation.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Getting Through a Broken Heart

Unless you belong to the lucky minority who met their soul mate in high school, married right after college, and spent the next 5 decades in marital bliss, you are going to bear what millions before you have gone through, and what millions after you will experience - a broken heart.

The hurt during a breakup is as individual as the millions of people who suffer it. While some simply shake the dust off and get right back into the dating game, others are left so distraught that they never date again, spending the rest of their life in bitter solitude. Why the difference? Could some of us just be stronger than others? Do some people love harder than others? Are some loves more connected than others?

For a good number of us who experience a break-up, a normal mournful stage will come about: Denial and Isolation, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and finally Acceptance. But for some, the grief and devastation are so severe that they end up hospitalized, and even suicidal. Others remain either bitter or so afraid of getting hurt that they never date again, closing off their hearts to just about everyone. Yet, some don't even grieve at all, subconsciously choosing to simply transfer their feelings for one person immediately onto that of another person in what is called a rebound relationship. Some people find that venting or journaling or blogging is the only thing that helps them release the pain and understand their broken heart.

Most of the variations have something to do with our loving style. There are many loving styles ranging from the very healthy, to the desperately needy. While one person may love another in a supportive and healthy way, another person may cling onto their mate simply as a way to fix what they imagine to be wrong with themselves. They use their partner as a method of dealing with their own imagined inadequacies or feelings of unworthiness - feeling good only as long as they are in the relationship. Others simply like the 'high' of being in love. This high becomes addictive to them and they hop from one relationship instantly into another - often times head-over-heels in love by the second date. They recklessly seek 'love' much as an addict will seek a 'fix', and are often so in need of being in love that they imagine their partners to have all the qualities they are looking for in a mate - whether their partners actually possess these qualities or not. Still others simply surrender themselves into their relationships quickly losing themselves and their own sense of individuality, becoming 'the relationship'. Should the relationship end, then shall they, too.

A hale and hearty view of oneself, one's partner, and one's relationship is crucial to surviving the ups and downs in our endless search for that special someone to share our lives with.

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Friday, October 31, 2008


One small remark makes a lot of difference in a relationship. One hell of a remark could get things into trouble. One wonderful remark could mean life. But remarks may not come in words uttered or written. Remarks could remarkably bare the truth and expose your person. Perhaps even silence is a remark. The lyrics of this song by Van Morrison unveils the intricate realities that come with a remark.
Wonderful RemarkLyrics by Von Morrison

How can you stand the silence
That pervades when we all cry
How can you watch the violence
That erupts before your eyes

You can't even grab a hold on
When we're hanging oh so loose
You don't even listen to us
When we talk it ain't no use

Leave your thoughtlessness behind you
Then you may begin to understand
Clear the emptiness around you
With the waving of your hand

Refrain : That was a wonderful remark
I had my eyes closed in the dark
I sighed a million sighs
I told a million lies to myself, to myself
Ooh oh, ooh oh, ooh oh, ooh oh, ooh oh, ooh oh

Now, how can we listen to you
When we know that your talk is cheap
How can we never question
Why we give more and you keep

How can your empty laughter
Fill a room like ours with joy
When you're only playing with us
Like a child does with a toy

How can we ever feel the freedom
Or the flame lit by the spark
How can we ever come out even
When reality is stark

Repeat Refrain

Listen, how can you tell us something
Just to keep us hanging on, yeah
Something that just don't mean nothin'
When we see you, you are gone

Clinging to some other rainbow
While we're standing waiting outside in the cold
Telling us the same sad story
Knowing time is growing old

Touch your world up with some colour
Dream you're swinging on a star
Taste it first then add some flavour
Now you know just who you are

Repeat Refrain 2x

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

8 Instant Mood Boosters

I had a cheerful morning today. I woke up feeling good and refreshed, not the usual headache. Everything went alright with our morning activities, no hassle and no annoyances. So I whistled my way to work, quite excited with what I planned to finish because the materials I have requested were delivered yesterday afternoon. Then my cell phone rang. I checked on who was calling but the number is not on my contact list. Then the voice, the damn news and worst circumstances just got into my nerves. This whole afternoon glory was zapped away by one phone call. My whole day was obliterated. I held them responsible, I blamed the economy, I cursed dirty politics, and God have mercy…

Yes, a day of bright, shiny attitude can simply collapse with a flip of a smartphone, a browse across an email inbox or a glance at the clock or calendar. Of course, we've all been through a trauma or challenge that needs to be processed and healed over time. But do you notice that most of the things that are infuriating, disheartening or crazy-making are relatively small or entirely out of our control. Instead of focusing on the downbeat, what if we opt instead to offer our time, energy and concentration to feeling good again? What if we take a five-minute time out to get optimistic? Amazingly, it's not as hard or protracted to get to high spirits as you might think.

Whether you're mad about gas prices, scared on the melamine menace or mumbling about the boss, you can boost up your mood swiftly and easily with these 8 tips:
1. Clear your space, clear your mind. 
2. Put on a little mood-lifting music.
3. Make yourself laugh (or at least grin).
4. Focus on your favorite color.
5. Mix up something good to eat or drink.
6. Stretch yourself.
7. Exhale the tension, and then inhale something that smells sweet.
8. Start over.

If nothing else helps and it looks like your day is a complete wash, why not call a do-over? If you can make the time, give yourself a half-hour (or more) to linger a little longer than usual in a warm shower. Not only will the change in your routine shake off some of the stress, studies show that heating up your core temperature can also warm up your mood. Then do some simple self-care rituals like applying your favorite moisturizer and putting on comfortable clothes you feel good wearing.  Even if you have to return to work or your to-do list, at least you know you can hit the re-set button on your attitude first.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Resilience: The Process of Coming Back and Learning to Recover

Recover, endure, overcome, solve, adapt, hang tough, learn, etc. These words that surface out in a brainstorming session point to one very important human ability and that is “resilience”.

Webster’s Dictionary, defines the word resilience as:” the ability to recover from or adjust easily to change or misfortune". Highly resilient people possess several similar qualities, they are inclined to be; playful with childlike curiosity, they constantly learn from experience, they adapt quickly, they have solid self esteem and self confidence, they express feelings honestly, have good friendships, they expect things to work out well, read others with empathy, they use their intuition and creative hunches, they defend themselves well, and they have a talent for serendipity.

On a more corporate view, system resilience refers to the property of being able to recover and endure. It is the measure of the persistence of systems and of their ability to absorb change and disturbance and still maintain the same relationships between populations or state variables. It is the capacity of a system to experience shocks while retaining essentially the same function, structure, feedbacks, and therefore identity. This is the ability of groups or communities to cope with external stresses and disturbances as a result of social, political, and environmental change; and the same ability of the system to withstand either market or environmental shocks without losing the capacity to allocate resources efficiently. It’s flexibility in the long run. Resilience has three characteristics capacities, namely, a) to absorb disturbances, b) for self-organization, and c) for learning. Its four aspects are latitude, resistance, precariousness, and cross-scale relations.
Knowing now what resilience is reminds you that you have it. Resilience is an emotional muscle that can grow with use and practice -- or waste away if disregarded. Everyone can develop this emotional muscle. Everyone needs to. You are born with some resilience. You have the choice how to apply it throughout your life. To grow resilience you need fuel, you need challenge and you need lots of practice.

A number of people think that resilience is a trait that is natural; you either have it or you don't. But that is not quite accurate. You are born with some component characteristics that aid and abet the development of resilience. For example, there is a contribution that temperament makes to the acquisition of resilience; some people are simply born with less reactivity to stress. It makes them hardier in the face of adversity and better able to draw on their cognitive abilities in situations that throw others off balance.

Some are also born with more optimism or are more extraverted. Still others have more guts, are more prone to take risks. All of these qualities, generally considered to be inborn components of personality, influence the ease with which you develop resilience. But determination and practice can help anyone foster resilience. It is, in fact, more a learning process than an inherited gift. What, then, do you do to grow resilience?

  • When life hands you a setback, readjust your own identity. Stop thinking of yourself as a victim and start thinking of yourself as a problem-solver. Flip the switch in your brain. Don't focus on yourself or your shortcomings, focus on your goal and what you need to do to get there. Ask yourself, How do I solve the problem?
  • Always challenge yourself to go just beyond your comfort zone. Risk builds resilience, and it's OK to take reasonable risks. The simplest way to go beyond your comfort zone is to learn a new skill. There is no end to the number of areas in which you can go beyond your comfort zone. If you argue a lot with your spouse, don't give up. Try for an understanding one more time. If you are having trouble with a child, remember how much you love him or her. The aim is to convert everyday stresses into opportunities for growth. You use them as springboards for developing coping strategies that ensure the survival of self.
  • Choose a hero, so that in the face of adversity you can maintain a positive identification. I know men who when facing difficulty summon up images of themselves as Russell Crowe in Gladiator. Women can summon up the story of Joan of Arc. Or think of a grandparent who survived the Holocaust.
  • Think of stories of resilience and stars of resilience. Search for models of resilience and study what they did. You don't have to go far to find them. The media offer plenty of possibilities: Christopher Reeve, Lance Armstrong, even Hillary Clinton. When, as a new senator, she was told that people don't like her, she smiled and said, "That's because they don't know me." I recommend to you, that you conjure up any glimpse or memory that can bring a wave of warmth to you. Grab onto them, because that is what they are there for - to see you through the hard times. Hang onto any inspiration, whatever, or whomever it may be.
  • Actively gather information about resilience. Ask people you know how they have handled setbacks. Build a personal support network. Include those that are positive that can listen and help you remember that it hasn’t always been this way.
  • Push yourself physically. Regular exercise helps you maintain a positive attitude and breeds feelings of strength. It is in fact a model of strength and what resilience feels like. It's easy to understand resilience when you experience it organically. When you run a mile, run a mile and a half. When you lift 10-pound weights, go for 15 pounds. Hold your yoga pose a few seconds longer.
  • Teach yourself patience. Resilience requires being more strategic and less impulsive. Give yourself more time before reacting to inflammatory situations. If someone is rude to you, don't immediately respond in kind or display contempt. Take three deep breaths before you choose to act. You need to build more space between impulse and action. By definition, when you are less reactive, you become more resilient.
"When you become detached mentally from yourself and concentrate on helping other people with their difficulties, you will be able to cope with your own more effectively. Somehow, the act of self-giving is a personal power-releasing factor."

We may be branded lazy people who do not want to face up to responsibility. Decimated maybe, but not lazy. The large majority of the people are fighters in the truest sense. We have to be curious, nosey, about what’s around the corner, the next minute, and the next day. We know that things can change in minutes. We have somehow experienced feeling desperate and defeated and to wake up somehow feeling human again.

Finally, I believe we all suffer in our own ways. Most hide it better than others do. Some are lucky enough not to be challenged in the same ways. Resolve to keep trying in whatever way you can. Sometimes that may mean just waking up and staying awake. To some this is an easy feat. Do your best - believe in yourself - only you know in your own heart who you really are. The thing that really amazes me in this life, is the resilience of the human spirit and I have been a witness to so many examples...

"The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out and meet it" (Thucydides).

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Overcoming Disadvantages of Distance/Virtual Learning

Distance learning allows students to learn from the privacy and convenience of their own homes. Many people who are balancing jobs and family with school enjoy the freedom of being able to schedule their classes around their lives. Most online programs allow people to work at their own pace, which means that students may take longer to complete assignments if they need extra time or can speed through material that is easy for them.
Navigating the distance learning world can be tricky. While distance learning provides more people an opportunity to attain higher education, it is not all advantages and benefits. Distance learning has costs, requires compromises and self-motivation is essential for success. However, when you acknowledge and understand these disadvantages, they are easily overcome.
Numerous studies have found distance learning courses as effective as traditional classroom training - or better. Almost a third of academic leaders recently surveyed felt online education outcomes were superior to those in traditional learning environments. However, there are challenges to be overcome for anyone who opts to learn through distance learning. As you continue your journey through the maze of virtual learning, save yourself some hassle by getting familiar of some of its disadvantages:
Self-motivation is required. Because distance learning is flexible, you need good organization, planning and work to make it happen. Students need more discipline to succeed in online courses. Though the instructor is not seated in front of you, you still need to complete your assignments on time. Like all other forms of learning, there are deadlines to be met, "fixed-time" exams to be taken and assignments to be completed before the "Drop Box" closes. There are no compromises and you can easily get a zero! Distance learning is best suited for mature motivated learners who cannot afford the time to participate in a traditional classroom. Problems arise when students have the leisure of completing classes at their own pace. Many students never finish their degree because they lack the self-discipline and motivation to sit down and get their work done on a daily basis. If you’re prone to putting off work, set some definite goals for yourself and stick to them. Many students have found it beneficial to create a deadline for receiving their degree and set smaller monthly, weekly, and daily goals that will allow them to reach that deadline.
No direct access to your instructor. Some students fear the loss of the personal touch with an instructor, such as asking questions after class. However, distance learning often gives you an opportunity to email your instructor any time or chat online. It is normal to fear the loss of human contact offered in a traditional classroom until you commit yourself to this mode of learning and communication.
Learning is isolated. Although you are in a virtual classroom full of students, the dynamics of interaction change with online education. You may feel detached or lonely when you pursue a distance learning program but there are opportunities to send emails, post to message boards and engage in online group discussions. At first you might miss face-to-face contact with your instructor and other learners, but web collaboration can fill this void for many students. One of the most rewarding experiences in education is learning through collaboration. Forming meaningful relationships with your peers and professors can allow you to learn more, stay motivated, and have an outlet to express your own understanding of subject matter. Don’t let yourself miss out on the benefits of these relationships just because your classrooms are online. Stay connected through message boards, chat rooms, email, and other virtual resources.
Need for constant, reliable access to technology. Students need total access to the equipment necessary to fulfill course requirements. For example, online courses require a computer with Internet access. For a course with material on CD or DVD, you need to have a multimedia player. Technical requirement may be difficult to meet for some students who may feel overwhelmed and challenged if they are not completely computer literate. Technical glitches and dealing with an unfamiliar learning environment can cause stress and frustration, but there are many ways to overcome these barriers.
No immediate feedback. In a traditional classroom setting, a student's performance can be immediately assessed through questions and informal testing. With distance learning, a student has to wait for feedback until the instructor has reviewed their work and responded to it. There’s a lot of online material available to help out students; make sure you know where you can get the help you need. Be aware of general resources such as virtual dictionaries, research help, and online books, as well as resources that relate to your specialized subject matter. Finding these sites from the start will save you money on books and help you find success in your studies.
Limited courses online. Students pursuing a specific certificate or degree program may not have all the necessary courses available through distance learning so it is not suited for all subjects. For example, you can study a history lesson completely online but you cannot perform nursing clinicals online. For some courses, physical classroom attendance will be mandatory to complete the course. You don’t have to start from scratch when you begin learning online. If you have credit from previous schools, make sure to have transcripts sent to your online university and have the counselors check for course equivalency. Even if equivalencies are not granted automatically, you may be able to petition to receive credit. (Just make sure you do a good job of stating your case). A few schools will allow you to receive credit for life experience, based on testing or portfolio reviews. Check with your school’s counselors to see how you can get credit for what you already know.
Specific employer acknowledgment. Although most employers do acknowledge distance learning, certain employers do not. Students who want to work for a specific employer upon graduation should be sure of that employer's perspective about online education. More and more people are recognizing the validity of online education. However, be aware that it is not completely accepted by all people. Some potential employers may see warning signs if you announce that you earned your degree through the internet. A lot of people are still ignorant of the advances online education has made in recent years and fail to recognize the difference between legitimate degrees and “diploma mill” certificates. Even if you attended a reputable school, avoid calling attention to the fact that your studies were done online. It may not make a difference, but it may end up saving you a lot of hassle.
Hidden costs. If you work for the military and you are on the ship, learning material may need to be mailed in advance thus incurring extra shipping and handling costs. The sad truth is that school is pricy. You’re probably not going to get your education for free, but make sure that the future rewards will outweigh the cost of the debt you accumulate now. You don’t want to find yourself making a $30,000 teacher’s salary while paying back a $100,000 student loan. (unfortunately, this case is not all that uncommon). However, an MBA from a reputable school may be worth a significant student loan in the long run. Whatever you choose, make sure you only take loans for what is absolutely necessary and try to save in other ways. Books and supplies can often be found at significantly lower prices (or even for free) if you know where to look and most computer and software companies offer huge discounts for currently enrolled students.
Accreditation required. You take a serious risk when you pursue distance learning programs that are not accredited because they may be issuing fraudulent, invalid degrees. Not all distance learning is legitimate - there are many "degree mills" colleges that are not accredited. This is probably the most important factor to check before you enroll in a distance learning institution. Selecting the right school is the most significant challenge distance learners face. “Diploma mill” schools charge unsuspecting students thousands of dollars for worthless degrees, whereas credentialed, trustworthy schools are able to give their students diplomas to be proud of. Before you enroll in an online school, make sure it has the appropriate regional accreditation and do some research to find out what type of programs, resources and support will be provided.
Less opportunity to work on oral communication skills. Students in distance learning courses do not get the practice of verbal interaction with professors and other students. However, online communication through email, VOIP, telephone, instant messaging maybe introduced or developed as a more efficient technological means of getting one’s message across physical barriers.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Music is a universal language. It imbeds our daily life, weaving its beauty and emotion through our thoughts, activities and memories. Very hardly would any one abhor it. Even if we don't mind about all the different forms and genre of music, there is music we all find to be powerful, comforting, poignant, joyful, etc. As a father, you have to make the most of every opportunity to bond with your child as you possibly can. The first, most essential physical aspect of bonding is touch. You need to pick your daughter up and carry her around. Let her fall asleep on your chest and dance.

However, if all you are doing is holding her, you are not making the most of this valued time with your baby. It may be difficult to believe, but the infant you are holding now will disappear in a wink. This is a great time to dance with someone who won't criticize your lack of rhythm. You have rhythm? Well, then, you're not using your talents to impact your baby in a positive way.

Play on some music and dance. If you're really good, sing to her while you dance. Don't rush it. Invest the time to make this dance the best dance you'll ever have - each and every time you do it. Music is a natural channel for emotion. We all bond on some level when we listen to music together. Dancing employs many of the critical bonding mechanisms you need to grow your bond with your child.

Dancing engages touch, sound (music), rhythm and emotion. And if you sing or talk to your baby while you dance, she is connecting to your voice. It really doesn't matter whether you can do cha-cha, swing or foxtrot. All that is important is that you expend the time to make a connection with your child.

A lot of people advocate talking, reading and massaging your baby while she is still in her mother's womb. As long as Mom is up to it, take her dancing while she's pregnant. Start early. Remember, a good, strong bond with Mom will do nothing but help your bond with your baby. Once your baby is born, keep this connection going. Lose yourself in a soulful dance with your precious baby.

In these frenzied times, we hardly take enough time to loosen up and experience the joys life has to offer. I believe all of us would like to give our children a less intense world. That won't happen unless we take the time to show them how to be happy in simple, basic ways. High-end electronic gadgets won't and can’t do this for us. We, as fathers, must step up on the floor and dance.

I suggest that you, as a father, dance with your daughter for the rest of your life and with your son as long as he will allow it. Bond with your children with the aid of music and dance. The music of Luther Vandross entitled “Dance with My Father” speaks so. The beautiful lyrics are here below:


Back when I was a child
Before life removed all the innocence
My father would lift me high
And dance with my mother and me and then

Spin me around till I fell asleep
Then up the stairs he would carry me
And I knew for sure I was loved

If I could get another chance
Another walk, another dance with him
I’d play a song that would never, ever end
How I’d love, love, love to dance with my father again

When I and my mother would disagree
To get my way I would run from her to him
He’d make me laugh just to comfort me, yeah, yeah
Then finally make me do just what my mama said

Later that night when I was asleep
He left a dollar under my sheet
Never dreamed that he would be gone from me

If I could steal one final glance
One final step, one final dance with him
I’d play a song that would never, ever end
‘Cause I’d love, love, love to dance with my father again

Sometimes I’d listen outside her door
And I’d hear her, mama cryin’ for him
I pray for her even more than me
I pray for her even more than me

I know I’m prayin’ for much too much
But could You send back the only man she loved
I know You don’t do it usually
But Lord, she’s dyin’ to dance with my father again
Every night I fall asleep
And this is all I ever dream

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Five Simple and Economical Ways of Transforming Bathrooms into Luxuriant Havens

Do you feel hassled and frazzled? Well, the most proximate relaxation sanctuary is right in your very own bathroom. Believe me, it’s quite simple and economical to transform your grimy old potty span into a luxuriant personal space - free from occasional disrupting interludes. So, even how immense or undersized, your bathroom can be a break-out from all the hampering drama in your life. But before you slump into your soak – here are few suggestions to put in some serenity to your bathtub and its surrounds.
  1. Flora - Since bathrooms harbor a humid environment, plants and flowers must be wisely selected. Try plants that are verdant and require very little maintenance. Vines are preferred too, but if you fancy for something more exotic, orchids (which need more light) are a wonderful fit.
  2. Aromatherapy – The float of engaging scents are always convivial. Smells and aromas are actually capable of inducing nostalgic memoirs – both pleasant and grim. So let’s stick with the fine recollections and kindle some fresh, clean, floral or warm-scented incense or candles to get our brain waves into the dream-weaving mode.
  3. Extras - Take time to consider what else you might want to add to your aquatic paradise to make it as promising and feasible: a lush bathrobe, fragrant soap, loofah, terry slippers, eye gels, a bath, pillow, you favorite bath salts, gels, soaks, after bath body oil or lotion. Also bring out the kid inside, and add a hint of child play to your peaceful playground with some colorful toys.
  4. Water – A soothing soak is a pleasure. It is a docile way to kick off the day or a lavish send-off before going to bed. And while steamy bath feels soothing, be sure the water is not too hot, or you’ll find yourself feeling worn-out and washed-out afterwards. It’s best to start with a warm bath and gradually add hot water as your body fine-tunes to the heat. When your water starts to cool down, you’ll want your environment to be warm and cozy, so keep a comfy room temperature that suits your senses.
  5. Pamper - Just breathe. Bath time is any time. It’s a time of solitude. The bathroom becomes your personal property for the next 30 minutes. So put down your to-do list. Turn off your phone, let yourself luxuriate in this watery retreat and watch your worries wash down the drain … including deadskin.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Mind-Over-Mood Techniques of Well-Being

Everybody gets angry, if not bored, occasionally. Feeling awful may be a normal phenomenon and anger may be alright, but what happens and what you do when you are angry and downcast make a big difference. Your anger might be so strong that the feeling gets out of control and causes you to act in ways that are unacceptable and hurtful. Or, the anger might be too subdued and incessant that you become overwhelmed with stress, fear, fatigue, anxiety and self-pity.

The goal is to calm yourself down and try to solve whatever problem is bothering you. You have to accept the fact that living in the world, you have to face many different things, some are good and some are bad. Even the good things may come in different forms to you. There is a good saying says that everything is a best arrangement. The secret is that the good will come sooner or later if you have seen them and if you have set your mind for them. The following simple mind-over-mood techniques could help you feel better and calmer:

Stay In the Present. Focus on things that are going on in your immediate environment. Often times worries and stress are a direct result of focusing on things that have happened in the past or being concerned with things in the future. Staying in the present can be accomplished by making a decision to focus on the simple pleasures in life, like a cup of hot chocolate, or a warm bath. You don't have to spend that much to achieve these.

Use Realistic Self-Talk. It is easy to tell ourselves that things will never get better, that there is no reason for hope, or that life is unfair. These things are simply not the case. Things may feel like they will never get better, but the fact is they usually do. It is a valuable mind over mood tool to be able to talk back to our negative inner voices and remind ourselves of reality.

Laugh. Laughter can be the result of a decision to engage in behavior that makes laughing likely. This can be implemented by watching comedies, listening to comedians on tape, or scheduling some time with a friend who makes you laugh. Using it in this way it becomes a mind over mood tool that can increase resiliency to stress and help counteract negative feelings.

Picture a Favorite Place. Using mental imagery to control our moods is nothing new. Many of us as kids, if we were unable to fall asleep at night, were told to picture something pleasant. Now, as adults, we can expand on this idea to create more control over our moods. Think of a place that makes you feel relaxed. Close your eyes and focus on this for a few minutes at a time, once or twice a day. After you have done this for several days you will find it easier to use in stressful situations, where the benefits of picturing a relaxing place can be most evident.

Practice Relaxation Techniques. There are many ways to relax. One way is to listen to music that is calming. Another is to flex each muscle, one at a time, and then relax it. A third way is to take deep breaths and allow your stomach to rise and fall, which is a way to calm your body, and can counteract our tendency to take short, shallow breaths. Whichever method used, relaxation techniques are a good way to start the day and end it, in addition to any time where you need to relax.

Pat My Back for a Breeding Hack

“Have you seen my childhood?” Michael Jackson sings these lyrics with sheer emotion, somehow grimacing with the pain of lost childhood. Not everyone can handle the distress when they connect the dots in their own lives. Some suffer in silence, others cry out in disillusionment because there is such a twinge of mislaid or bungled childhood. Though we’ve always been advised to shake our heads and get over it, we could not deny the obvious impression of childhood woes (or wows) in our lives especially during adolescence. And this girl is no different...

She would show up like a placid river with that gentle flow of painful releases. She was ignored and bruised to leaving her abode or shall I call it quarters? She said she threw her clothes in her 1 ½ bags and immediately set to come back to her former place, for a vacation maybe. Here, all her childhood prodding took shape. She had a family then and much more complete without her real mother ... and father. Her grandma, aunts, uncles, cousins were physically all around her. She had the material things she needed. Everyone, in his/her own little ways, influenced her life. She thought she was the favorite, well, by her grandma perhaps. She practically grew up with her and the old woman loved her…very much. But she was taunted and mocked unwittingly by everyone else – nobody realized this somehow. She would then search for the social nod that would push up her person over her peers. And then, this placid lake (did I say river?) swirled. The inner turbulence of confusing values ran out of control. Her grandma could no longer manage her. The old woman died and at 13 she had to go to and live with her real mother.

After more than a year or maybe two, she showed up with her 1 ½ bags of clothes. She sobbed and cried out her pain and frustrations. She doesn’t want to be like her brother, she will continue with her studies with us. I had the chance to feel her soothing gentle massages over my head for that migraine smack. Of all the children I’ve met, she was the only one who could last 30 minutes (or more) of hand pressing over my aching head. She hasn’t changed and when I asked her to stop and rest, she said “call me again uncle…”. But she couldn’t last the bore of staying home for good. She thinks her friends and boyfriends are better options for filling the void in her. She left the next day midmorning without a message and came back home at midnight. If that is the arrangement she wants for her life, we have to let go.

Now, she is struggling to find her own niche. Will she rumble back to where she left? Will she blame us all for what we made of her? Have we tried our best to help her in her dilemna? Maybe we confused her, we hacked her breeding. Maybe not, pat my back … ask her mother…

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Look Younger through Stress Management & Exercise

The knowledge of looking younger initially entails facing and controlling stress in your life. Stress disrupts sleep which will have an adverse effect on your health, making you look more washed-out and worn-down. Too much stress can lead to high blood pressure which can swell your risk of life shortening conditions such as heart disease and strokes.

Try meditation which has been acknowledged through decades or centuries to reduce anxiety and stress. Activities such as tai chi and yoga can also have a encouraging effect along with exercise. There is nothing like a good workout to reduce stress and make you feel more affirmative and motivated. Often, increasing your self-confidence with exercise puts a feather in your rhythm and makes you look younger.

Cardiovascular exercise and resistance training will help speed your metabolism and improve your overall fitness. Not only will these make you lose weight and look younger, but will also reduce your risk of life threatening diseases such as diabetes, heart diseases.

Knowing how to look younger will require certain lifestyle changes. Without exception, the biggest cause of premature aging is smoking. So if you are a smoker your first important step is to stop. Managing stress and aiming towards a more natural healthy lifestyle will not only make you look younger but will also help you live longer and disease free. And, imagine the boost to your self confidence, when people remark that you look ten years younger than you really are!

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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Studying for Work

Learning for its own sake sounded reasonably grand for many people. The learned and the thinkers wallow with this credence that knowledge, in whatever form, makes a man better and makes life greater. Yes, humanity and the whole world should rise to confirm this truth. We have gone too far and even faster nowadays. The lurching continuum between physical and cyber space makes the effect of learning unimaginably feasible everywhere... well, for its own sake.

That's the macro wisdom, and it has carried the human race to this level. But for aspiring individuals in developing countries where subsistence and competition dictate the course of education and training, the game is like chalk and cheese. The initial move and the underpinning motive for these people is gainful employment. Leaning for work's sake is much more suitable.

Survival in this highly competitive modern world is guaranteed by competencies that are required by and within the standards of industries and companies. People now get hired because they are competent for the specific available job. It is how successfully you do and produce things that count. Education and training now follow this lead and the convention of general education cannot catch up with the requirements for employment. Study for work through the acquisition of specific skills - that's competency-based training (CBT) . This CBT should now sell like hotcakes for the practical learners. When you are able to get through the competition for decent jobs, when you start reaping the rewards of your competencies, go for the genuine gold in life - knowledge for its own sake. Lifelong learning could be much more rewarding with such trend.

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