Navigating the distance learning world can be tricky. While distance learning provides more people an opportunity to attain higher education, it is not all advantages and benefits. Distance learning has costs, requires compromises and self-motivation is essential for success. However, when you acknowledge and understand these disadvantages, they are easily overcome.
Numerous studies have found distance learning courses as effective as traditional classroom training - or better. Almost a third of academic leaders recently surveyed felt online education outcomes were superior to those in traditional learning environments. However, there are challenges to be overcome for anyone who opts to learn through distance learning. As you continue your journey through the maze of virtual learning, save yourself some hassle by getting familiar of some of its disadvantages:
Self-motivation is required. Because distance learning is flexible, you need good organization, planning and work to make it happen. Students need more discipline to succeed in online courses. Though the instructor is not seated in front of you, you still need to complete your assignments on time. Like all other forms of learning, there are deadlines to be met, "fixed-time" exams to be taken and assignments to be completed before the "Drop Box" closes. There are no compromises and you can easily get a zero! Distance learning is best suited for mature motivated learners who cannot afford the time to participate in a traditional classroom. Problems arise when students have the leisure of completing classes at their own pace. Many students never finish their degree because they lack the self-discipline and motivation to sit down and get their work done on a daily basis. If you’re prone to putting off work, set some definite goals for yourself and stick to them. Many students have found it beneficial to create a deadline for receiving their degree and set smaller monthly, weekly, and daily goals that will allow them to reach that deadline.
No direct access to your instructor. Some students fear the loss of the personal touch with an instructor, such as asking questions after class. However, distance learning often gives you an opportunity to email your instructor any time or chat online. It is normal to fear the loss of human contact offered in a traditional classroom until you commit yourself to this mode of learning and communication.
Learning is isolated. Although you are in a virtual classroom full of students, the dynamics of interaction change with online education. You may feel detached or lonely when you pursue a distance learning program but there are opportunities to send emails, post to message boards and engage in online group discussions. At first you might miss face-to-face contact with your instructor and other learners, but web collaboration can fill this void for many students. One of the most rewarding experiences in education is learning through collaboration. Forming meaningful relationships with your peers and professors can allow you to learn more, stay motivated, and have an outlet to express your own understanding of subject matter. Don’t let yourself miss out on the benefits of these relationships just because your classrooms are online. Stay connected through message boards, chat rooms, email, and other virtual resources.
Need for constant, reliable access to technology. Students need total access to the equipment necessary to fulfill course requirements. For example, online courses require a computer with Internet access. For a course with material on CD or DVD, you need to have a multimedia player. Technical requirement may be difficult to meet for some students who may feel overwhelmed and challenged if they are not completely computer literate. Technical glitches and dealing with an unfamiliar learning environment can cause stress and frustration, but there are many ways to overcome these barriers.
No immediate feedback. In a traditional classroom setting, a student's performance can be immediately assessed through questions and informal testing. With distance learning, a student has to wait for feedback until the instructor has reviewed their work and responded to it. There’s a lot of online material available to help out students; make sure you know where you can get the help you need. Be aware of general resources such as virtual dictionaries, research help, and online books, as well as resources that relate to your specialized subject matter. Finding these sites from the start will save you money on books and help you find success in your studies.
Limited courses online. Students pursuing a specific certificate or degree program may not have all the necessary courses available through distance learning so it is not suited for all subjects. For example, you can study a history lesson completely online but you cannot perform nursing clinicals online. For some courses, physical classroom attendance will be mandatory to complete the course. You don’t have to start from scratch when you begin learning online. If you have credit from previous schools, make sure to have transcripts sent to your online university and have the counselors check for course equivalency. Even if equivalencies are not granted automatically, you may be able to petition to receive credit. (Just make sure you do a good job of stating your case). A few schools will allow you to receive credit for life experience, based on testing or portfolio reviews. Check with your school’s counselors to see how you can get credit for what you already know.
Specific employer acknowledgment. Although most employers do acknowledge distance learning, certain employers do not. Students who want to work for a specific employer upon graduation should be sure of that employer's perspective about online education. More and more people are recognizing the validity of online education. However, be aware that it is not completely accepted by all people. Some potential employers may see warning signs if you announce that you earned your degree through the internet. A lot of people are still ignorant of the advances online education has made in recent years and fail to recognize the difference between legitimate degrees and “diploma mill” certificates. Even if you attended a reputable school, avoid calling attention to the fact that your studies were done online. It may not make a difference, but it may end up saving you a lot of hassle.
Hidden costs. If you work for the military and you are on the ship, learning material may need to be mailed in advance thus incurring extra shipping and handling costs. The sad truth is that school is pricy. You’re probably not going to get your education for free, but make sure that the future rewards will outweigh the cost of the debt you accumulate now. You don’t want to find yourself making a $30,000 teacher’s salary while paying back a $100,000 student loan. (unfortunately, this case is not all that uncommon). However, an MBA from a reputable school may be worth a significant student loan in the long run. Whatever you choose, make sure you only take loans for what is absolutely necessary and try to save in other ways. Books and supplies can often be found at significantly lower prices (or even for free) if you know where to look and most computer and software companies offer huge discounts for currently enrolled students.
Accreditation required. You take a serious risk when you pursue distance learning programs that are not accredited because they may be issuing fraudulent, invalid degrees. Not all distance learning is legitimate - there are many "degree mills" colleges that are not accredited. This is probably the most important factor to check before you enroll in a distance learning institution. Selecting the right school is the most significant challenge distance learners face. “Diploma mill” schools charge unsuspecting students thousands of dollars for worthless degrees, whereas credentialed, trustworthy schools are able to give their students diplomas to be proud of. Before you enroll in an online school, make sure it has the appropriate regional accreditation and do some research to find out what type of programs, resources and support will be provided.
Less opportunity to work on oral communication skills. Students in distance learning courses do not get the practice of verbal interaction with professors and other students. However, online communication through email, VOIP, telephone, instant messaging maybe introduced or developed as a more efficient technological means of getting one’s message across physical barriers.
Numerous studies have found distance learning courses as effective as traditional classroom training - or better. Almost a third of academic leaders recently surveyed felt online education outcomes were superior to those in traditional learning environments. However, there are challenges to be overcome for anyone who opts to learn through distance learning. As you continue your journey through the maze of virtual learning, save yourself some hassle by getting familiar of some of its disadvantages:
Self-motivation is required. Because distance learning is flexible, you need good organization, planning and work to make it happen. Students need more discipline to succeed in online courses. Though the instructor is not seated in front of you, you still need to complete your assignments on time. Like all other forms of learning, there are deadlines to be met, "fixed-time" exams to be taken and assignments to be completed before the "Drop Box" closes. There are no compromises and you can easily get a zero! Distance learning is best suited for mature motivated learners who cannot afford the time to participate in a traditional classroom. Problems arise when students have the leisure of completing classes at their own pace. Many students never finish their degree because they lack the self-discipline and motivation to sit down and get their work done on a daily basis. If you’re prone to putting off work, set some definite goals for yourself and stick to them. Many students have found it beneficial to create a deadline for receiving their degree and set smaller monthly, weekly, and daily goals that will allow them to reach that deadline.
No direct access to your instructor. Some students fear the loss of the personal touch with an instructor, such as asking questions after class. However, distance learning often gives you an opportunity to email your instructor any time or chat online. It is normal to fear the loss of human contact offered in a traditional classroom until you commit yourself to this mode of learning and communication.
Learning is isolated. Although you are in a virtual classroom full of students, the dynamics of interaction change with online education. You may feel detached or lonely when you pursue a distance learning program but there are opportunities to send emails, post to message boards and engage in online group discussions. At first you might miss face-to-face contact with your instructor and other learners, but web collaboration can fill this void for many students. One of the most rewarding experiences in education is learning through collaboration. Forming meaningful relationships with your peers and professors can allow you to learn more, stay motivated, and have an outlet to express your own understanding of subject matter. Don’t let yourself miss out on the benefits of these relationships just because your classrooms are online. Stay connected through message boards, chat rooms, email, and other virtual resources.
Need for constant, reliable access to technology. Students need total access to the equipment necessary to fulfill course requirements. For example, online courses require a computer with Internet access. For a course with material on CD or DVD, you need to have a multimedia player. Technical requirement may be difficult to meet for some students who may feel overwhelmed and challenged if they are not completely computer literate. Technical glitches and dealing with an unfamiliar learning environment can cause stress and frustration, but there are many ways to overcome these barriers.
No immediate feedback. In a traditional classroom setting, a student's performance can be immediately assessed through questions and informal testing. With distance learning, a student has to wait for feedback until the instructor has reviewed their work and responded to it. There’s a lot of online material available to help out students; make sure you know where you can get the help you need. Be aware of general resources such as virtual dictionaries, research help, and online books, as well as resources that relate to your specialized subject matter. Finding these sites from the start will save you money on books and help you find success in your studies.
Limited courses online. Students pursuing a specific certificate or degree program may not have all the necessary courses available through distance learning so it is not suited for all subjects. For example, you can study a history lesson completely online but you cannot perform nursing clinicals online. For some courses, physical classroom attendance will be mandatory to complete the course. You don’t have to start from scratch when you begin learning online. If you have credit from previous schools, make sure to have transcripts sent to your online university and have the counselors check for course equivalency. Even if equivalencies are not granted automatically, you may be able to petition to receive credit. (Just make sure you do a good job of stating your case). A few schools will allow you to receive credit for life experience, based on testing or portfolio reviews. Check with your school’s counselors to see how you can get credit for what you already know.
Specific employer acknowledgment. Although most employers do acknowledge distance learning, certain employers do not. Students who want to work for a specific employer upon graduation should be sure of that employer's perspective about online education. More and more people are recognizing the validity of online education. However, be aware that it is not completely accepted by all people. Some potential employers may see warning signs if you announce that you earned your degree through the internet. A lot of people are still ignorant of the advances online education has made in recent years and fail to recognize the difference between legitimate degrees and “diploma mill” certificates. Even if you attended a reputable school, avoid calling attention to the fact that your studies were done online. It may not make a difference, but it may end up saving you a lot of hassle.
Hidden costs. If you work for the military and you are on the ship, learning material may need to be mailed in advance thus incurring extra shipping and handling costs. The sad truth is that school is pricy. You’re probably not going to get your education for free, but make sure that the future rewards will outweigh the cost of the debt you accumulate now. You don’t want to find yourself making a $30,000 teacher’s salary while paying back a $100,000 student loan. (unfortunately, this case is not all that uncommon). However, an MBA from a reputable school may be worth a significant student loan in the long run. Whatever you choose, make sure you only take loans for what is absolutely necessary and try to save in other ways. Books and supplies can often be found at significantly lower prices (or even for free) if you know where to look and most computer and software companies offer huge discounts for currently enrolled students.
Accreditation required. You take a serious risk when you pursue distance learning programs that are not accredited because they may be issuing fraudulent, invalid degrees. Not all distance learning is legitimate - there are many "degree mills" colleges that are not accredited. This is probably the most important factor to check before you enroll in a distance learning institution. Selecting the right school is the most significant challenge distance learners face. “Diploma mill” schools charge unsuspecting students thousands of dollars for worthless degrees, whereas credentialed, trustworthy schools are able to give their students diplomas to be proud of. Before you enroll in an online school, make sure it has the appropriate regional accreditation and do some research to find out what type of programs, resources and support will be provided.
Less opportunity to work on oral communication skills. Students in distance learning courses do not get the practice of verbal interaction with professors and other students. However, online communication through email, VOIP, telephone, instant messaging maybe introduced or developed as a more efficient technological means of getting one’s message across physical barriers.
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